

Tipos de inovação para empreendedores

Types of Innovation for Entrepreneurs

Product and Service Innovation

This type of innovation aims to significantly improve the quality of the goods or products offered by the company. It can involve creating new products, improving existing features or even introducing complementary services. For example, a technology company launches a new version of its smartphone with advanced features and greater performance.

Marketing Innovation

Here, innovation is related to the way the brand or product is marketed. It can involve creative advertising strategies, innovative promotions or even the creation of a new brand image. An example of this might be a fashion company that uses digital influencers to promote its new collection.

Organisational Innovation

This type of innovation focuses on improving the company’s internal processes. It can involve changes to the organisational structure, corporate culture or human resources management. An example might be a company that adopts a remote working model to increase the flexibility and productivity of its employees.

Process Innovation

Here, the aim is to optimise production, logistics and customer service processes, among others. Process innovation aims to increase efficiency and reduce costs. An example of this might be a logistics company that implements an automated goods tracking system to speed up deliveries to its customers.

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